Verbal Reasoning Test

40  questions
30 minutes.
Timed test

Measure your ability to interpret and logically evaluate written information, and effectively communicate.

Part of a series of tests.

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Test price: $15.99

Includes 2 takes

Test price: $15.99

Includes 2 takes

Part of a series of tests that match you to suitable careers.

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Why take this test?

By taking the Verbal Reasoning Test, you’ll assess your ability to interpret, evaluate and draw logical conclusions from written information. Understanding how strong your verbal reasoning skills are allows you to make better career choices based on your suitability.

Understand your ability to comprehend written information

Assess your level of English proficiency

Prepare for an upcoming pre-employment test

Determine if you have the necessary verbal skills for certain careers

About the test

The Verbal Reasoning Test is made up of 40 questions that you need to answer based on the accompanying passages of text. The questions are multiple choice, where you must select a single correct answer. At the end of the test, your results will be analyzed to identify how strong your verbal reasoning skills are and how they relate to the world of work.

Access to this test, your results and downloadable report must be purchased before you can begin. The results from this test contribute to your final career matches on CareerHunter, if you choose to proceed to purchase full access.

Good to know

Don’t make assumptions

The answers to the questions are located in the accompanying text. Don’t factor in general knowledge that you know proves or disproves something.

Practice with word puzzles

Word puzzles like anagrams and crosswords can be particularly helpful in exercising your mind and increasing your mental agility.

Manage your time

Don’t waste time trying to solve difficult questions you get stuck on. Move on to the next question and come back later to the ones you skipped.

Improve your English

If English isn’t your first language, try to improve your language skills before proceeding with the test. This will aid your performance in the test.

Test sample

Below is an example of the type of question that will come up in the Verbal Reasoning Test

Test sample

Below is an example of the type of question that will come up in the Verbal Reasoning Test

Verbal Reasoning


Safety Directions for Social Networking

Thanks to social networking, people across the world now have access to tools and resources that were previously non-existent. It can be used to make friends or even promote a business. However, it’s important to remember that social networking can also be misused, and the potential dangers are many and great. For this reason, users are advised to do everything in their power to protect their privacy and reputation. You should be careful how you use social media, but that doesn’t mean you should hesitate using all its functions.

Social Media

While everyone uses social media, doing so involves a great deal of potential dangers. For example, it is common nowadays for employers to check the social media profiles of prospective candidates or even their existing employees. This could damage your financial situation or even your career. However, social media does not have to be completely avoided. While it is a new way of social interaction, it is crucial that you are selective in the functions you use and to be cautious concerning the dangers involved.

Which of the following points do the two passages disagree on?

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Price: $15.99



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Careers that require high levels of verbal reasoning

Explore career profiles which require a high level of verbal and English proficiency.

Perfect career wave Perfect career wave

How well can you interpret the written word?

Assess your ability to comprehend written information and see how your skills match up to popular careers.