Group licensing

Purchase test access for your team or students
Purchase test access for your team or students

Require more licenses? Contact us


How it works

Learn how our innovative technology can help your organisation.

1. Invite users

Easily invite users to your group licence via email, either one by one or in bulk, as well as manage invitations and user licences from an easy-to-use all-in-one dashboard.

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2. Get real-time reporting

Monitor your users’ progress and get detailed results for every test they complete in real time, plus access downloadable reports detailing users’ overall performance and career matches.

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3. Identify your users’ strengths

Review users’ individual profiles and use the available data to help your students, teams or clients choose or transition into suitable careers based on their skills, interests and more.

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Why choose CareerHunter

Explore the benefits of using CareerHunter for your organisation and your users.

For your organisation

Easy-to-use dashboard Monitor users’ progress and results from one place

Bulk email invitations Invite multiple users at once to join your group licence

Discounted licences The more licences you require, the less you pay

Free email support Our support team is ready to help you every step of the way

For your users

Accurate career matches Based on interests, personality, motivations and skills

Real-time reporting Detailed analysis of results as each test is completed

Job and course suggestions Aligned with the careers they’ve been matched to

Personalised career report Downloadable report with overview of results and matches

Who it’s for

Discover who can benefit from our Group Licensing programme.



Help your students assess their strengths and weaknesses and choose a career that accurately matches their personality and interests.

HR departments

HR departments

Use CareerHunter to assess job applicants’ strengths, values and preferences, as well as their fitness to your organisation’s company culture.

Recruitment agencies


Give jobseekers access to the CareerHunter platform to discover their strengths and weaknesses and find out how they fit into your clients’ companies.

Career counsellors


Help your clients discover their true calling and purpose, as well as how their interests, personality motivations and skills align with suitable careers.

What the experts say

Read first-hand testimonials from the pros who tried CareerHunter

Ready to start?

Give your students, team members or clients full access to CareerHunter now.

Purchase Licences